Terms of Service

Mariah Welford will be helping the client on the date and time listed below for no longer than 1 hour. Mariah Welford will help with any questions about business registration that need to be answered. If the client already has business registration, Mariah Welford will help the client find one grant for ( client's business). Mariah Welford can help clients apply for the grant recommended by Mariah Welford only if (the client ) has all the needed information listed below to complete the grant. The client agrees that each service will be $150 unless they choose service 3, which is grant writing, that service price varies between $600 - $2,600. I (the client) agree that full payment of $100 or the agreed amount for each service is due before any service will be done by Mariah Welford. The client agrees that if they do not sign this contract before their scheduled call, it will be canceled. The client can cancel up to 1 day before the scheduled call. Cancellations 24 hours or less before the call is nonrefundable. The client and Mariah Welford both know that the grant is not 100% guaranteed and if the client does not receive or get approved for the grant, the scheduled call fee is nonrefundable. The client agrees if they are approved for the grant, the scheduled call fee is nonrefundable. The client agrees that the service charge is nonrefundable if they miss their scheduled time. Mariah Welford agrees to give a five-minute grace period before the client's appointment is canceled on the day of the call. Mariah Welford will send a reminder of the scheduled appointment a day before the call. If Mariah Welford can not be reached for the scheduled call, Mariah Welford will inform the client. The client agrees that their service should be complete before a 6 month period from the first initial call. The client can choose to reschedule or be refunded their money. Mariah Welford is 100% not responsible if the client is not approved for the grant applied to the client and their business. Furthermore, if a client isn't approved for the grant, the client agrees not to discuss this contract or its results with anyone outside their organization or business. The client agrees that an extra disclosed fee for grant writing service will require another contract to be signed if necessary. The client agrees not to discuss any information about the service done by Mariah Welford on any of their social media. The client agrees not to share false information or defamation of Mariah Welford and Grandiose Grant Services with anyone and not on social media. Mariah Welford is not an expert and can only give advice and opinions on grants. I agree that all business-related services are nonrefundable. The business-related services include applying for business grants, writing a business plan, writing a non-profit grant proposal, becoming a 3-month mentor, a business revamp session, and asking business-related questions. I understand that Mariah Welford can cancel a service at any time if a hostile environment is created, which includes yelling, swearing, and defamation of Mariah Welford or grandiose grant service business via online and in-person was to transpire before, during, or after a booked business or grant service. All services should be completed in a timely manner. Mariah Welford will give the client up to 6 months from their first meeting to complete all necessary tasks to finish the client’s scheduled service. If the client doesn’t finish the required tasks to complete service within a 6-month period, the client agrees that their service will be automatically closed and they will not be issued a refund. All services are nonrefundable, with no exceptions. If the client reaches out after the initial 6 months to restart services they will have to reschedule a new appointment with Grandiose Grant Services.